Contoh Soalan Ujian Kompetensi ICT Guru

Dengan Bismillah dan Salam Sejahtera,
Saya terpanggil untuk berkongsi contoh-contoh soalan yang berkaitan Ujian Kompetensi ICT bagi para guru dan pentadbir sekolah memandangkan banyak soalan yang bertanya bentuk soalan yang bagaimana Ujian ini dijalankan. Meskipun Ujian Kompetensi ICT bagi guru dan pentadbir ini sudah dijalankan sejak September lalu, namun masih terdapat kalangan guru dari negeri tertentu  yang masih belum selesai menjawab Ujian Kompetensi ICT ini misalnya guru-guru di Selangor dan Sarawak.Guru dan pentadbir dari negeri berkenaan masih berpeluang menjawab Ujian Kompetensi ICT ini sehingga 31 Oktober 2013.

Cara Jawab Ujian Kompetensi ICT bagi Guru dan Pentadbir Sekolah

Dalam ENTRI INI, saya ada berkongsi sedikit panduan cara menjawab ujian kompetensi ICT ini dan memaklumkan akan tarikh-tarikh perlaksanaan Ujian ini mengikut negeri masing-masing. Jadi, saya harap para guru juga sudah maklum dan mengambil berat akan informasi tersebut.Contoh-contoh soalan yang saya kongsikan ini sebenarnya saya perolehi dari SINI. Terdapat hampir 100 soalan yang boleh para guru rujuk sebelum menjawab soalan ujian tersebut. Sebenarnya, jika dalam Ujian Kompetensi ICT itu nanti, terdapat beberapa set soalan yang diberikan. Set soalan yang merangkumi 30 soalan setiap set ini menyebabkan kemungkinan para guru akan menjawab soalan yang berbeza dengan rakan sekerja guru lain dan kebetulan untuk mendapat set yang sama pasti ada.

Contoh Soalan Ujian Kompetensi ICT Guru 

Sebelum saya berkongsi contoh soalan yang berkaitan dengan Ujian Kompetensi ini, berikut saya senaraikan topik-topik yang boleh menjadi rujukan kepada para guru sekiranya ingin mengulangkaji atau mendapatkan maklumat berkenaan topik tersebut.Sebenarnya anda boleh memilih untuk menjawab Ujian ini sama ada dalam Bahasa Melayu atau Bahasa Inggeris. Mari kita semak senarai topik yang dikemukakan dalam ujian terebut.
  • Introduction to Computers
  • Common Computer Terminology.
  • Computer Performance and Features 
  • Computer Operating Systems
  • Career Opportunities
  • The Internet
  • Internet and the World Wide Web
  •  Using E-mail
  •  Common Features and Commands 
  • Introduction to Word Processors
  •  Introduction to Spreadsheet Programs 
  • Introduction to Presentation Programs 
  • Introduction to Database programs
  • Introduction to Computer Security and Privacy
  • Protecting Your Family from Security Threats
  • Protecting Your Computer
  • Keeping Your Computer Secure and Updated
  • Computer Ethics
  • The Digital Experience
  • Introduction to Digital Photography
  • Introduction to Digital Audio

Ujian Kompetensi ICT bagi Guru 

Berikut pula 10 contoh soalan Ujian Kompetensi ICT bagi guru yang saya dapat kongsikan dengan para guru. Jika anda berminat mengetahui contoh-contoh soalan lain, bolehlah merujuk ke LAMAN WEB INI.

1. Tina creates a business proposal on her home computer. She wants to use a storage device to save the proposal and take it to her office.

Which of the following devices will Tina use to store the files?

A. Microphone

B. Speakers

C. CD-R (Correct Answer)

D. Modem

2. Apurva needs to connect a printer to his computer. He asks you about the parts of a computer that he can use to connect the printer.

What will you tell Apurva? Select two.

A. Graphics card

B. Modem

C. Sound card

D. Parallel port (Correct Answer)

E. Universal serial bus (USB) port (Correct Answer)

3. You want to create a document on your computer.

In what order will you perform the following steps when you start creating the document?

Arrange the steps in the following list in the order in which you will perform them. Place the first step at the top of the list.


Log on to the computer.

Create the document.

Turn on the computer.

Save the changes.

Start the program.

Steps in Correct Order:

C. Turn on the computer.

A. Log on to the computer.

E. Start the program.

B. Create the document.

D. Save the changes.

4. Your friend wants to view your live image while you chat with her online.

Which of the following devices installed on your computer will help her do this?

A. Web cam (Correct Answer)

B. Printer

C. Scanner

D. Microphone

5. Alexander needs to prepare the transcript for an audio file saved on his office computer. He wants to listen to the audio without disturbing his colleagues sitting nearby.

Which of the following hardware devices will Alexander use?

A. Headphone (Correct Answer)

B. Speaker

C. Microphone

D. Web cam

6. Niraj wants to use his office computer. To log on to the computer, he needs to enter his logon details.

Which of the following options does Niraj need in order to log on to the computer? ^ Select two.

A. User name (Correct Answer)

B. Home address

C. Office name

D. Password (Correct Answer)

E. Office address

7. Markus uses his computer to calculate the money he spent on transportation costs in the last two months.

Which part of his computer will perform the calculations?

A. Monitor

B. Central processing unit (CPU) (Correct Answer)


D. Hard disk

Lesson 2: Common Computer Terminology.

8. Elisabeth reads an article on common computer terminology. She does not understand the meaning of operating system. She comes to you for help.

How will you explain operating system to Elisabeth?

A. An electronic device connected to your computer

B. A storage device in your computer

C. A program that controls and manages the computer (Correct Answer)

D. A circuit board that connects the input, output, and processing devices

9. You use a word processor to create and save a text-based document on your computer.

What does the text in your document represent?

A. Data (Correct Answer)

B. Hardware

C. Operating system

D. Application

10. Enrique reads an advertisement about a computer hardware store. He wants to know the meaning of the term hardware.

How will you define the term hardware for Enrique?

A. Physical parts of a computer (Correct Answer)

B. An item of information

C. Instructions that make programs work

D. Rules designed to enable computers to connect with one another

Selamat Menjawab Ujian Kompetensi ICT kepada semua guru!

TERKINI : Anda boleh menyemak keputusan UJIAN KOMPETENSI ICT ini dengan panduan yang diberi di sini : Cara Semak Status Ujian Kompetensi ICT Guru. 

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